¡Andersen Feed & Farm es el distribuidor oficial de Perstorp en España!

Este acuerdo comercial acerca los productos vanguardistas de Perstorp a las granjas españolas Por fin podemos anunciar que Andersen Feed & Farm hemos llegado a un acuerdo para comenzar la distribución oficial de toda la gama de productos de Perstorp en España. Esta colaboración representa un gran paso para nosotros y una oportunidad para nuestros…

forza+: Soluble plasma for piglets

FORZA+: SOLUBLE PLASMA SOLUBLE FOR PIGLETS   Forza+ is a product developed for newly weaned piglets. It is formulated with a porcine plasma base and natural water soluble antioxidants that contribute to improve the productivity and wellness of animals. Although it is especially indicated for smaller animals or tails, it can be administered to all…

Andersen and Labiana organized the EGGVP GM Meeting in Seville

Andersen together with Labiana organized the General Managers Meeting of The European Group for Generic Veterinary Products (EGGVP) which took place in Seville, Spain last Thursday and Friday. The European Group for Generic Veterinary Products (EGGVP) is an independent non-for-profit association established under the Belgian law. It represents the industry of generic veterinary medicines in…

Meeting with Vet-Agro in Lublin

Meeting with our polish distributor: Vet-Agro in Lublin. Gisela Girmé, the Vetarinary Pharmaceutical Product Manager in Andersen presented the latest information on Ketoxyme and Colixyme. Thank you very much for your warm welcoming! Andersen SA      

CP Group from Thailand visit!

Last Friday the Thai company CP Group together with Siwat Wimonnoppharak from Octa Memorial visited our offices.  Charoen Pokphand Group (CP Group) is a Thai conglomerate company located in Bangkok. It is Thailand’s largest private company and is one of world’s largest conglomerates. It consists of three core businesses that operate in agribusiness and food, retail and distribution,…

Alternatives to animal feed with antibiotics, Denmark case

Last Thursday (October, 20) we organized in our offices a conference on “Alternatives to animal feed with antibiotics, Denmark case” Dr.Niels Jørgen Kjeldsen, the director of the Danish Swine Research Centre SEGES in Copenhagen was the one who explained the subject. With an experience of over 25 years in the pig sector, Niels expounded the…