Andersen Feed & Farm: Un Mes de Networking e Innovación en Eventos Clave del Sector

Este próximo mes de noviembre, Andersen Feed & Farm asistiremos a importantes eventos internacionales del sector de la salud y la nutrición animal. Como visitantes, buscamos fortalecer nuestras relaciones con socios y distribuidores, y descubrir las últimas innovaciones y tendencias en la industria.  OVUM en Uruguay (12-15 de noviembre) El Congreso Latinoamericano de Avicultura, conocido…

Andersen Corporate Video

ANDERSEN CORPORATE VIDEO At Andersen we look after the future. We are committed to animal health and welfare. We believe that quality nutrition is the foundation for disease prevention, sustainable and profitable animal production; therefore, we focus on developing innovative products based on natural ingredients of high technological value and proven effectiveness. We are pleased…

Reflections on Vitamin D3 Requirements

Vitamin D3, in the form of cholecalciferol or 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, without including the active form 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, is included in the European list of authorized additives, with maximum doses allowed according to animal species and age. The current requirements are based on minimum daily needs for adequate performance.   So, Why has research and practice…

forza+ – The extra push your pig farm needs

The increasing productivity of the sow makes it necessary to develop special supplements that allows an optimal nutrition of piglets, especially at weaning, since it is a stressful situation for the piglet that usually causes poor feed intake during the first week after weaning. forza+ is a product developed for weaned piglets. It is a…


AUTHENTIC BREWER´S YEAST FOR RUMIANT FEEDING Promoting responsible and sustainable consumption embrace the entire food chain, and includes animal welfare. Modern agriculture and livestock focus on efficient food and feed production, as the goal is to use resources sparingly and reduce emissions. Two prerequisites are necessary to achieve these goals: a good feed conversion rate…

Vitamin D metabolism

The intake or obtaining of vitamin D by people and animals has always been the subject of study due to the importance of its different functions, especially in relation to health and productivity. As a result of the difficult confinement situation caused by COVID-19, concern about vitamin D deficiency in people and its consequences for…

Taking control of Streptococcus suis

Taking control of Streptococcus suis   S.suis is the causal agent of big losses in pig production, becasuse in addition to being a zoonotic agent (the most important bacterial cause of meningitis in pigs) it is very difficult to control due to its great variety of serotypes. The development of an infection then depends on…

forza+: Soluble plasma for piglets

FORZA+: SOLUBLE PLASMA SOLUBLE FOR PIGLETS   Forza+ is a product developed for newly weaned piglets. It is formulated with a porcine plasma base and natural water soluble antioxidants that contribute to improve the productivity and wellness of animals. Although it is especially indicated for smaller animals or tails, it can be administered to all…