
Andersen and Dopharma join forces in Spain!

Andersen and Dopharma join forces in Spain! Andersen and Dopharma are announcing the signing of an agreement for the marketing of their veterinary pharmaceutical products in Spain through a new Joint Venture named Dopharma Iberia. Andersen, a company dedicated to the sale of veterinary pharmaceutical products, medicated premixes, pharmacological specialties and ingredients and additives for…


ALZOGUR®: control actions of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae

ALZOGUR®: control actions of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae Only with a management that integrates different hygienic methods can we interrupt the cycle of the Brachyspira hyodysenteriae. The bacteria must be eliminated not only from the animal, but also from its environment, especially before the beginning of each cycle. ALZOGUR, is the only biocidal product registered in Spain…