AUTHENTIC BREWER´S YEAST FOR RUMIANT FEEDING Promoting responsible and sustainable consumption embrace the entire food…
Inactivated brewer’s
yeast and spent grains
Inactivated brewer’s yeast and spent grains
Leiber YeaFi® BT is inactivated brewer’s yeast (40%) bound to barley or barley bagasse (60%) through a special gentle drying process that prevents the oxidation of nutrients and improves its palatability. Provides the antioxidant, astringent and bacteriostatic effects of hops.
*Product marketed only in Iberia
When to use?
Cows in transition period and beginning of lactation
Calves with high concentrated diets
Advantages and benefits
Stabilizes ruminal pH
Improves fiber digestibility
Increases milk yield and quality
Improves the quality of milk fat
Easy to use in feed mill and farm and no storage problems.
Advantages and benefits
Stabilizes ruminal pH
Improves fiber digestibility
Increases milk yield and quality
Improves the quality of milk fat
Easy to use in feed mill and farm and no storage problems.